Stolen Jade & Ruby查看所有房間
- 提供空調
- 鬧鐘
- 提供浴袍
- 用餐環境
- 暖氣
- 熨斗/燙衣板
- 提供亞麻布和大毛巾
- 電視
- 爐台
- 提供淋浴之浴室/Spa
- Spa
- 廚房
- 免費室內電影院
- DVD 播放器
- 書桌
- 吹風機
- 皇后床
- 禁菸
Supremely cosy and beautifully appointed self contained apartments with a double spa in the bathroom, queen beds ( one with a four poster and canopy), fully self contained timber kitchen, timber panelling and ornate cornicing with private outdoor courtyards.
Weekly discount or longer stay (7+ days) does not include breakfast.
This room is fully air conditioned.